Your provider in the world of high liquidity and low commissions!

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Exscudo Exchange is an aggregator of a wide network of liquidity providers and exchanges. We provide a ready-made solution for currency exchange and additional liquidity for your service. Our liquidity provider is perfect for payment systems, non-banking institutions, e-commerce, digital currency exchanges, and other market participants. Integrate Exscudo Exchange and offer customers payment methods and exchanges for 50+ cryptocurrencies and 5 fiat currencies
01 / Functionality
Access to high liquidityExscudo Exchange is an aggregator of liquidity providers and exchanges with open corporate accounts that have stood the test of time.
Wide choice of exchange directionsExscudo supports over 1000 exchange directions, consisting of 20 networks and 50+ digital currencies and 5 fiat.
Variable exchange ratesExscudo Exchange allows you to make exchanges with a floating rate, then the actual exchange rate will be equal to the best rate in the market.
Fixed exchange ratesExscudo Exchange allows you to fix the exchange rate at the moment of creating an invoice for the entire lifetime of the invoice. All risks of executing the exchange at a fixed price are taken by Exscudo.
Automation of overdue or incorrectly paid invoicesIn case of problems with the invoice, funds are automatically credited to the user's account. After that, the user can independently withdraw funds to his details.
Know your transactionExscudo Exchange conducts KYT checks of user transactions for compliance with regulatory norms and AML policy.
02 / How it will help you
Expanding business opportunities.Integration with Exscudo Payment System with many payment solution providers allows you to cover new segments of the target audience and expand the geography of your business.
Improving customer experienceWith Exscudo Payment System, you can provide your users with accounts with deposit, withdrawal, exchange and storage of digital assets capabilities.
03 / Advantages
Quick implementationThe API provides ready-made functions and methods, which reduces the time and effort required for implementation. Companies can quickly integrate Exscudo Exchange without the need to develop complex systems from scratch.
Quick implementation
Cost reductionIntegration with Exscudo Exchange allows you to reduce operational costs associated with maintaining infrastructure and staff.
Cost reduction
Payment methodsExscudo has many integrations with payment gateways, which allows your business to cover more users and enter new markets.
Payment methods
Agency systemFor each exchange operation of your client that you pass through our service, you receive an agency commission. The agency commission is set by you for each exchange direction in the Personal Account.
Agency system
No risksIntegration with Exscudo Exchange allows you to avoid risks associated with managing your own liquidity.
No risks
04 / Integration Process
Triangle point
Initial StageThis phase involves dialogues and consensus on service terms, outlining of requirements, and refining the key parameters for integration.
Triangle point
Integration PhaseExscudo sets up a client account in Sandbox and assigns a dedicated account manager. The active phase of integration commences, which involves the creation and execution of required technical solutions.
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Testing PhaseThis stage involves conducting integration tests to assess the system's functionality and stability under monitored conditions.
Triangle point
Product LaunchUpon successful completion of all preceding stages and verification of the system's operability, comprehensive operations with the integrated Exscudo Ecosystem are initiated
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